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Tips for when you’re desperate to get a job.

Times are tough right now in the employment world and jobs are harder to come by, which means employers are being more particular about who they hire. How you present yourself on that initial phone screen, in person or email could be the difference between being considered or not.

We constantly hear job seekers say “I’ll take anything”. Which can translate to, I’ll take the first thing that comes along, even though it’s not what I want, and plan on continuing to look until what I want becomes available, and then i’ll quit your job. That’s not the ideal candidate for us or our clients.

Here are some helpful tips to help you in your job search.

🐝 Be specific and honest.

Recruiters are looking out for their clients/company’s best interest and consider people who are serious about their desire to work in that role. There is nothing worse than filling a position with someone that won’t work out in the long run. We might have something temporary to get you through, or better yet, a position that’s a good match for both parties!

🐝 Be confident!

Coming across as desperate raises red flags. It can make it seem like you lack confidence and employers may question your judgment and decision-making skills if you appear too willing to take any job, even if it isn’t a good fit. 

🐝 Be selective and intentional.

It’s OK to apply for things that might be a bit of stretch, but applying for positions that you have no skills for can make you look like you’re not serious about your job search.

🐝 Be forthcoming, but don’t overshare.

Sharing some personal things about yourself is good, but keep it on the surface, be professional and focus on your skills and experience.

🐝 Be positive!

At some point, most people have had a position end. It’s OK that a job didn’t work out, but don’t ever bash your former employer or manager. There is always a way to put a positive and professional spin on a negative situation, even if you say it was an experience that you learned from and will never make that mistake again.

We want to help our clients find great people, and for people to find great jobs. Be patient, persistent, positive and it will happen!



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